PPP Jateng Kawal Ahmad Luthfi – Taj Yasin Ambil Nomor Urut di KPU Jawa Tengah

Semarang, Kabarpersatuan.com – Partai Persatuan Pembangunan (PPP) Jawa Tengah terus mengawal pencalonan Ahmad Luthfi Taj Yasin dalam Pemilihan Gubernur (Pilgub) Jawa Tengah 2024.

Pada pengundian nomor urut calon yang dilakukan oleh KPU Jawa Tengah, PPP hadir dengan semangat penuh untuk mendukung pencalonan Luthfi Taj Yasin yang diusung sebagai calon kuat dalam Pilgub mendatang.

Ketua DPW PPP Jawa Tengah, Masruhan Samsurie, menyampaikan bahwa partai akan mengawal proses pencalonan ini hingga akhir.

 “PPP Jawa Tengah berada di barisan terdepan untuk memastikan Ahmad Luthfi Taj Yasin dapat tampil maksimal dalam Pilgub ini. Kami melihat beliau sebagai figur muda yang mampu melanjutkan pembangunan di Jawa Tengah dengan visi yang jelas,” ujar Masruhan.

Block Title


Header one

Header two

Header three

Header four

Header five
Header six


Single line blockquote:

Stay hungry. Stay foolish.

Multi line blockquote with a cite reference:

People think focus means saying yes to the thing you’ve got to focus on. But that’s not what it means at all. It means saying no to the hundred other good ideas that there are. You have to pick carefully. I’m actually as proud of the things we haven’t done as the things I have done. Innovation is saying no to 1,000 things. Steve Jobs – Apple Worldwide Developers’ Conference, 1997


Jane$1Because that’s all Steve Job’ needed for a salary.
John$100KFor all the blogging he does.
Jane$100MPictures are worth a thousand words, right? So Tom x 1,000.
Jane$100BWith hair like that?! Enough said…

Definition Lists

Definition List Title Definition list division. Startup A startup company or startup is a company or temporary organization designed to search for a repeatable and scalable business model. #dowork Coined by Rob Dyrdek and his personal body guard Christopher “Big Black” Boykins, “Do Work” works as a self motivator, to motivating your friends. Do It Live I’ll let Bill O’Reilly will explain this one.

Unordered Lists (Nested)

  • List item one
    • List item one
      • List item one
      • List item two
      • List item three
      • List item four
    • List item two
    • List item three
    • List item four
  • List item two
  • List item three
  • List item four

Ordered List (Nested)

  1. List item one
    1. List item one
      1. List item one
      2. List item two
      3. List item three
      4. List item four
    2. List item two
    3. List item three
    4. List item four
  2. List item two
  3. List item three
  4. List item four


These supported tags come from the WordPress.com code FAQ.

Address Tag 1 Infinite Loop
Cupertino, CA 95014
United States 

Anchor Tag (aka. Link)

This is an example of a link.

Abbreviation Tag

The abbreviation srsly stands for “seriously”.

Acronym Tag

The acronym ftw stands for “for the win”.

Big Tag

These tests are a big deal, but this tag is no longer supported in HTML5.

Cite Tag

“Code is poetry.” —Automattic

Code Tag

You will learn later on in these tests that word-wrap: break-word; will be your best friend.

Delete Tag

This tag will let you strikeout text, but this tag is no longer supported in HTML5 (use the <strike> instead).

Emphasize Tag

The emphasize tag should italicize text.

Insert Tag

This tag should denote inserted text.

Keyboard Tag

This scarcely known tag emulates keyboard text, which is usually styled like the <code> tag.

Preformatted Tag

This tag styles large blocks of code.

.post-title {
	margin: 0 0 5px;
	font-weight: bold;
	font-size: 38px;
	line-height: 1.2;

Quote Tag

Developers, developers, developers… –Steve Ballmer

Strong Tag

This tag shows bold text.

Subscript Tag

Getting our science styling on with H2O, which should push the “2” down.

Superscript Tag

Still sticking with science and Isaac Newton’s E = MC2, which should lift the 2 up.

Teletype Tag

This rarely used tag emulates teletype text, which is usually styled like the <code> tag.

Variable Tag

This allows you to denote variables.

Masruhan juga menekankan bahwa seluruh kader partai telah siap bekerja keras demi memastikan kemenangan. 

“PPP akan terus bersinergi dengan masyarakat dan seluruh elemen pendukung. Kami yakin, dengan soliditas dan dukungan penuh, Ahmad Luthfi Taj Yasin akan memenangkan Pilgub Jawa Tengah dan membawa perubahan positif bagi provinsi ini,” tambahnya.

Pemilihan Gubernur Jawa Tengah 2024 menjadi ajang penting bagi PPP untuk menunjukkan komitmennya dalam memperjuangkan kesejahteraan masyarakat di provinsi ini. 

Dengan persiapan matang dan strategi yang terarah, PPP optimistis dapat memberikan hasil terbaik dalam perhelatan politik tersebut.

Diketahui, Pasangan Ahmad Luthfi- Tak Yasin mendapat nomor urut 2 sedangkan pasangan Andika Perkasa -Hendrar Prihadi mendapat nomor urut 1 pada Pilkada Gubernur Jawa Tengah.

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